Otsimo Turkish symbols are an addiition to the Mulberry Symbol set that are especially useful for adults. The new 263 symbols comes with Turkish and English labels.
June has been a busy month for adding more languages to Global Symbols and Board Builder. We have also been concentrating on making it possible for new symbol set owners to add translations to their own sets.
May 20, 2021, is the tenth Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD). All over the world people are offering free online sessions and events about digital access and inclusion. Being able to use digital technologies helps us all and can be an essential part of one billion disabled people's lives, including those using augmentative and alternative forms of communication.
During April we have continued to update Board Builder and added the ability to use multiple writing systems as well as more symbols in charts and with Symbol Creator. We have been exploring the type of fonts that will present both Cyrillic and Logographis scripts. Quite a challenge!