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By Government of Aragón · Creative Commons BY NC SA 4.0


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m. Legal union of man and wife or two persons of the same sex.

Language Label Description
English marriage m. Legal union of man and wife or two persons of the same sex.
Arabic زواج
Aragonese matrimonio m. Unión legal de hombre y mujer o de dos personas del mismo sexo.
Basque ezkontza
Breton matrimônio m. Legal união de homem e mulher ou duas pessoas do mesmo sexo.
Bulgarian брак
Catalan matrimoni m. Unió legal d'home i dona o de dues persones del mateix sexe.
Chinese 婚姻
Croatian brak
Danish 2, ægteskab, bryllup
Dutch huwelijk
French mariage
Galician matrimonio
German Ehe
Hebrew חתונה נישואין
Hungarian házasság
Italian matrimonio
Polish małżeństwo
Portuguese matrimónio m. Legal união de homem e mulher ou duas pessoas do mesmo sexo.
Romanian căsătorie
Russian брак
Spanish matrimonio m. Unión legal de hombre y mujer o de dos personas del mismo sexo.
Vehes matrimoni


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