Pictograms Author: Sergio Palao, Owner: Government of Aragon (Spain)
Creative Commons BY NC SA 4.0

tr. Perceive sounds through the ear, listening.
Language | Label | Description |
English | hear | tr. Perceive sounds through the ear, listening. |
Arabic | سمع | |
Aragonese | sentir | tr. Percibir los sonidos a través del oído; escuchar. |
Basque | entzun | |
Breton | ouvir | tr. Perceber os sons através do ouvido, escutando. |
Bulgarian | чувам | |
Catalan | escoltar | tr. Percebre els sons a través de la oïda; escoltar. |
Chinese | 听 | |
Croatian | čuti | |
Czech | naslouchat | |
Danish | høre, lytte | |
Dutch | horen | |
French | entendre | tr. Percevoir par l'ouïe les bruits, les sons produits par quelque chose ou quelqu'un, les paroles, la musique, le chant, produits par quelqu'un |
Galician | oir | |
German | hören | |
Hebrew | להקשיב | |
Hungarian | hall | |
Italian | ascoltare | |
Macedonian | слушам | |
Polish | słyszeć | tł. odbierać wrażenia dźwiękowe |
Portuguese | ouvir | tr. Perceber os sons através do ouvido, escutando. |
Romanian | a auzi | A percepe sunete prin intermediul urechii;a asculta. |
Russian | слышать | |
Spanish | oÃr | tr. Percibir los sonidos a través del oído; escuchar. |
Vehes | escoltar |