Pictograms Author: Sergio Palao, Owner: Government of Aragon (Spain)
Creative Commons BY NC SA 4.0
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Local where they make cakes, pastries or other sweets.
Language | Label | Description |
English | patisserie | Local where they make cakes, pastries or other sweets. |
Arabic | مصنع الحلويات | |
Aragonese | zucrería | Local donde se hacen pasteles, pastas u otros dulces. |
Basque | gozo-denda | |
Breton | padaria | Local onde fazem bolos, doces ou outros doces. |
Bulgarian | сладкарница | |
Catalan | pastisseria | Local on es fan pastissos, pastes o altres dolços. |
Chinese | 糕点店 | |
Croatian | slastičarnica | |
Danish | konditorivarer | |
Dutch | banketbakker | |
French | pâtisserie | |
Galician | pastelaría | |
German | Konditorei | |
Hebrew | קונדיטוריה | חנות מאפים מתוקים |
Hungarian | cukrászda | |
Italian | pasticceria | |
Polish | cukiernia | |
Portuguese | pastelaria | Local onde fazem bolos, doces ou outros doces. |
Romanian | cofetărie | |
Russian | кондитерская | |
Spanish | pastelería | Local donde se hacen pasteles, pastas u otros dulces. |
Vehes | pastisseria |