Pictograms Author: Sergio Palao, Owner: Government of Aragon (Spain)
Creative Commons BY NC SA 4.0

tr. Reap the fruits of the field
Language | Label | Description |
English | harvest | tr. Reap the fruits of the field |
Arabic | جمع | |
Aragonese | cullir | tr. Recoger los frutos. Cosechar. |
Basque | jaso | |
Breton | colher | tr. Colher os frutos. Colheita. |
Bulgarian | прибирам реколтата | |
Catalan | recol·lectar | tr. Agafar els fruits del camp. |
Chinese | 收获 | |
Croatian | požeti | |
Danish | høste | |
Dutch | plukken | |
French | ramasser | |
Galician | recoller | |
German | ernten | |
Hebrew | לקטוף | |
Hungarian | szüretel | |
Italian | raccogliere | |
Polish | zbierać | |
Portuguese | apanhar | tr. Colha os frutos do campo |
Romanian | a aduna | |
Russian | собирать | |
Spanish | recolectar | tr. Recoger los frutos. Cosechar. |
Vehes | collir |