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By Government of Aragón · Creative Commons BY NC SA 4.0


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m. Seeds of this plant, vegetable of much use in Spain.

Language Label Description
English chickpea m. Seeds of this plant, vegetable of much use in Spain.
Arabic حمص
Aragonese garbanzo m. Semilla de esta planta, legumbre de mucho uso en España.
Basque txitxirio
Breton grão-de-bico m. As sementes desta planta, vegetal de muito uso em Espanha.
Bulgarian нахут
Catalan cigró m. Llavor d'aquesta planta, llegum de molt ús a Espanya.
Chinese 鹰嘴豆
Croatian grah slanutak
Danish kikært
Dutch kikkererwt
French pois chiche
Galician garavanzo
German Kichererbse
Hebrew גרגר חומוס
Hungarian csicseriborsó
Italian cece
Polish cieciorka
Portuguese grão-de-bico m. As sementes desta planta, vegetal de muito uso em Espanha.
Romanian năut
Russian турецкий горох
Spanish garbanzo m. Semilla de esta planta, legumbre de mucho uso en España.
Vehes cigró


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