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By Government of Aragón · Creative Commons BY NC SA 4.0

No disturbing

· adjective
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No disturbing

Language Label Description
English No disturbing
Arabic ممنوع المضايقة
Aragonese prohibido molestar No está permitido causar molestias
Basque gogaitzea debekatuta
Breton proibido incomodar
Bulgarian забранено е да се пречи
Catalan prohibit molestar No està permès causar molèsties.
Chinese 请勿打扰
Croatian bez ometanja
Dutch Niet storen!
French interdit de déranger
Galician prohibido molestar
German stören verboten
Hebrew לא להפריע
Italian vietato disturbare
Polish Nie przeszkadzać
Portuguese proibido incomodar
Romanian interzis a deranja
Russian запрещается мешать
Spanish prohibido molestar No está permitido causar molestias
Vehes prohibit molestar


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