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By Government of Aragón · Creative Commons BY NC SA 4.0
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cut the grass

Trim and shape the lawn.

Language Label Description
English cut the grass Trim and shape the lawn.
Arabic قصّ العشب
Aragonese cortar el césped Recortar y darle forma al césped.
Basque soropila moztu
Breton cortar a relva Trim e forma o gramado.
Bulgarian кося тревата
Catalan tallar la gespa Retallar i donar-li forma a la gespa.
Chinese 修整草坪
Croatian kositi travu
Dutch maai het gazon
French tondre la pelouse
Galician cortar o céspede
German den Rasen mähen
Hebrew לכסח דשא
Italian tagliare l'erba
Polish strzyc trawnik
Portuguese cortar a relva Trim e forma o gramado.
Romanian a tăia gazonul
Russian стричь газон
Spanish cortar el césped Recortar y darle forma al césped.
Vehes tallar la gespa


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