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By Government of Aragón · Creative Commons BY NC SA 4.0


· noun
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m. Mass celebrated for the dead.

Language Label Description
English funeral m. Mass celebrated for the dead.
Arabic جنازة
Aragonese funeral m. Misa que se celebra por un difunto.
Basque hileta
Breton funeral m. Missa para os mortos.
Bulgarian погребална служба
Catalan funeral m. Missa que se celebra per un difunt.
Chinese 葬礼
Croatian sprovod
Dutch begrafenis
Estonian matus
French funérailles
Galician funeral
German Beerdigung
Italian funerale
Macedonian погреб
Polish pogrzeb
Portuguese funeral m. Missa para os mortos.
Romanian funeral
Russian похороны
Spanish funeral m. Misa que se celebra por un difunto.
Vehes funeral


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