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By Blissymbolics Communication International · Creative Commons BY SA 4.0
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(linear thing + to fasten + thing indicator: linear thing that fastens or joins)

Language Label Description
English strap,string,velcro,rope,cord (linear thing + to fasten + thing indicator: linear thing that fastens or joins)
Afrikaans koord, tou, kabel, glip-en-strip, velcro, band, lyn
Danish strop, snor, snor
Dutch koord, touw
Finnish nauha, naru, hihna
French sangle, courroie, lanière
German Schnur, Kordel, Faden, Gurt, Seil, Leine
Hungarian kötél, szíj, kapocs, tépőzár
Italian corda
Latvian šņore, striķis, virve
Norwegian reim, stropp, tråd, velcro
Polish taśma, sznurek, rzep (zamykanie)
Portuguese corda
Russian ремень, ремешок
Spanish correa, velcro, cuerda
Swedish snöre, tråd (etc)


Defined in ConceptNet
Defined in ConceptNet

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