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By Blissymbolics Communication International · Creative Commons BY SA 4.0


· noun
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(body + existence,being_(2): an embryo is a potential living being, which cannot live outside the mother's body) - Character (superimposed)

Language Label Description
English embryo (body + existence,being_(2): an embryo is a potential living being, which cannot live outside the mother's body) - Character (superimposed)
Afrikaans embrio
Danish embryo, foster
Dutch embryo
Finnish sikiö, alkio
French embryon
German Embryo
Hungarian embrió (ébrény: 6-8 hetes magzat)
Italian embrione
Latvian embrijs
Norwegian embryo, foster
Polish embrion, zarodek, płód
Portuguese corte de cesariana
Russian эмбрион
Spanish embrión
Swedish embryo


Defined in ConceptNet

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