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By Blissymbolics Communication International · Creative Commons BY SA 4.0
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(protection + hand: protective covering for the hand)

Language Label Description
English glove(s),mitt(s),mitten(s) (protection + hand: protective covering for the hand)
Afrikaans handskoen
Danish handsker, vanter, arbejdshandsker
Dutch handschoen, want
Finnish käsine, lapanen
French gant, mitaine, moufle
German Handschuh, Handschuh
Hungarian kesztyű, egyujjas kesztyű
Italian guanti (con dita separate)
Latvian dūraiņi, cimdi
Norwegian vott, hanske, vante
Polish rękawiczka(ki)
Portuguese luvas com dedos
Russian перчатки, варежки
Spanish guante
Swedish handskar, vantar


Defined in ConceptNet
Defined in ConceptNet

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