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By Blissymbolics Communication International · Creative Commons BY SA 4.0
Jesus (of Nazareth),Jesus Christ,Christ

(man + cross: a man regarded by Christians as being the Son of God, who died on the cross - biblical figure)

Language Label Description
English Jesus (of Nazareth),Jesus Christ,Christ (man + cross: a man regarded by Christians as being the Son of God, who died on the cross - biblical figure)
Afrikaans Jesus (van Nasaret), Jesus Christus
Danish Jesus
Dutch Jezus, Christus
Finnish Jeesus
French Jésus (de Nazareth), Jésus-Christ, le Christ
German Christus, Jesus
Hungarian Jézus, Jézus Krisztus
Italian Gesù Cristo, Cristo
Latvian Jēzus (Nācarietis), Jēzus Kristus, Kristus
Norwegian Jesus, Kristus
Polish Jezus Chrystus
Portuguese jesus cristo
Russian Иисус
Spanish Jesús (de Nazaret), Jesucristo
Swedish Jesus, Kristus


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