Sclera Symbols
Sclera NPO
Creative Commons BY NC 4.0
Half Pint Measuring Cup
· noun
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Language | Label | Description |
English | Half Pint Measuring Cup | |
Arabic | نصف باينت كوب القياس | |
Croatian | Mjerna Zdjela | |
Danish | Målebæger En Kvart Liter | |
Dutch | Maatbeker Kwart Liter | |
French | Verre Gradué Quart De Litre | |
German | Viertel Liter | |
Hungarian | Fél Pint Méropohár | |
Indonesian | Seperempat Liter Gelas Ukur | |
Portuguese | Jarro Medidor Um Quarto De Litro | |
Spanish | Taza De Medir Un Cuarto |
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