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pile up

· verb
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pile up

tr. Form a stack or heap with certain things. Place.

Language Label Description
English pile up tr. Form a stack or heap with certain things. Place.
Arabic صف
Aragonese apuyalar tr. Formar una pila o montón con ciertas cosas. Colocar.
Basque pilatu
Breton empilhar tr. Forma uma pilha ou heap com certas coisas. Place.
Bulgarian трупам
Catalan apilar tr. Formar una pila o munt amb certes coses. Col·locar.
Chinese 堆积
Croatian gomilati
Danish stable
Dutch stapelen
French empiler
Galician amorear
German stapeln
Hebrew לערום
Hungarian feltesz
Italian impilare
Polish nakładać
Portuguese empilhar tr. Forma uma pilha ou heap com certas coisas. Place.
Romanian a stivui
Russian складывать в штабели
Spanish apilar tr. Formar una pila o montón con ciertas cosas. Colocar.
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