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By Government of Aragón · Creative Commons BY NC SA 4.0

pile up

· verb
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pile up

tr. Form a mound with something. Collect and put into things that are widespread lot

Language Label Description
English pile up tr. Form a mound with something. Collect and put into things that are widespread lot
Arabic صف
Aragonese amuntonar tr. Formar un montón con algo. Recoger y poner en montón cosas que están extendidas
Basque bildu
Breton amontoar tr. Formulário de um monte com alguma coisa. Recolher e colocar em coisas que são muito difundidos
Bulgarian трупам
Catalan amuntegar tr. Formar un munt amb alguna cosa. Recollir i posar en un munt coses que estan esteses.
Chinese 堆放
Croatian gomilati
Danish stable
Dutch opstapelen
French entasser
Galician amorear
German anhäufen
Hebrew לערום לשים אחד מעל השני
Hungarian egymásra rak
Italian ammucchiare
Polish gromadzić
Portuguese amontoar tr. Formulário de um monte com alguma coisa. Recolher e colocar em coisas que são muito difundidos
Romanian a îngrămădi
Russian нагромождать
Spanish amontonar tr. Formar un montón con algo. Recoger y poner en montón cosas que están extendidas
Vehes amuntegar


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