2i. Integration of the New Symbol Set with AAC Applications (Cboard)

Updated by Global Symbols with UNICEF ECARO

AAC applications, including Cboard, have been developed for people with complex communication needs and often involve the use of images, symbols and text. The early stages of the development of Cboard occurred during the VOICE project in Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro, which required that certain members of each team from every country were in contact with the developers throughout the duration of the project, testing and suggesting current and required functionalities and features for the application.

Cboard child

  • Cboard, allows for the creation of communication boards by adding symbols to an existing board or an empty board. It is possible to add symbols in two ways: to upload a previously prepared or downloaded image from the device or to use the option of searching a symbol library. If the second option is selected, the user can search a symbol within three symbol galleries: Mulberry, Global Symbols, ARASAAC. Global Symbols gallery is where new national symbol sets are integrated within Cboard.

  • This functionality needs to be implemented by Cboard developers, i.e., they need to add a link (provided by the Global Symbols API) to the newly published symbol set to search the symbols in the desired language.

  • Cboard is an open-source application with a GitHub project repository, developers can be contacted using communication stated on the Cboard GitHub page or a support email on an official Cboard website: support@Cboard.io.

  • An important note is that some of the Cboard functionalities are limited by an internet connection. For example, searching the symbols while creating a new tile will work only with the Mulberry symbol gallery if a user’s device is offline. The possibility of using the symbol set from the Global Symbols repository, in this case, can be enabled by downloading the whole symbol set on the device when there is an internet connection (as described previously) and then adding the desired symbols from the device when offline.

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