2a. Creating an AAC Forum

Updated by Global Symbols with UNICEF ECARO

AAC Forum

  • The AAC Forum is the target group of users or stakeholders in the project. Expectations are that members will:
  • Increase their knowledge of AAC in general
  • Apply AAC symbols in their practice and promote a customized set of symbols developed within the project for a specific language area
  • Promote and support the use of the Cboard application and be able to identify other appropriate AAC software solutions during the project according to the needs of the children they work with
  • Utilize and promote educational materials from Global Symbols websites
  • Support the core team with ideas and suggestions to improve the project
  • Provide feedback on the project's various performance indicators that monitor the progress and quality of the project.

Download PowerPoint slides about the practicalities of setting up a forum that goes online.

See Also